about us

Corbus’ “core business” is “business law” and that is immediately what Corbus stands for. Our team assists you and your company in business law, corporate law, real estate law, environmental law and employment law. With practical advice and clear agreements, we support you in the development of your activities. With mediation and litigation, we address your conflicts. We do this for a wide range of economic sectors, both local and international. In short, Corbus is the legal partner for your business. Welcome to our website.

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Areas of expertise


Business law

Your business involves a lot of legal issues. Both complex commercial matters requiring specialized legal assistance and more day-to-day issues that unnecessarily burden your organization. Corbus has many years of experience in numerous leading sectors (e.g. banking and insurance, fashion, ICT, top-level sports, real estate franchises) and can thus provide hands-on assistance adapted to the needs of your company.

Business law


Business law

Your business involves a lot of legal issues. Both complex commercial matters requiring specialized legal assistance and more day-to-day issues that unnecessarily burden your organization. Corbus has many years of experience in numerous leading sectors (e.g. banking and insurance, fashion, ICT, top-level sports, real estate franchises) and can thus provide hands-on assistance adapted to the needs of your company.


Corporate Law

From the creation of your company, during its existence and at its end: at Corbus, we provide specialized assistance during all phases of corporate life, both for small local companies and for large multinational corporations.


Real estate law

Corbus offers specialized legal assistance to maximize the value of your real estate. Whether assisting with the purchase and sale of real estate, advising on apartment legislation or leasing real estate, at Corbus we offer the advice you need. Corbus has been assisting several major real estate brokerage networks, reputable construction companies and property developers for many years, and thus has all the necessary real estate expertise.


Environmental Law

The increasing focus on environmental protection means that national and European legislation is constantly changing and becoming more complex. We follow these changes closely, enabling us to provide you with up-to-date practical advice. Furthermore, we are happy to assist you in your consultations with the competent environmental and urban planning departments and authorities, and, if necessary, conduct the required procedures before the administrative appeal bodies and courts.


Employment law

A company’s “human capital” is becoming increasingly important. A conflict with an employee or employee representatives can thoroughly disrupt the proper functioning of a company. Balancing the protection of the employee with the employer’s ability to conduct its economic activities with the necessary flexibility is essential. We advice both employers and employees at the pre-contractual stage, during employment and at the termination of the employment relationship.

the team




















De Bruyckere




De Bie






Van Den Langenbergh




van Royen





national and international, in and beyond Europe

For legal assistance in other areas of expertise, we cooperate with specialists in the field, both at home and abroad. For traffic law, liability law and insurance law, we work with Sofie Naeyaert (Gent, Zuidstationstraat 21 – sofie.naeyaert@advocaat.be). With 15 years of experience, e.g. in cases for public transport companies and utility companies, Sofie has extensive expertise in these matters. Are you looking for legal advice for activities outside Belgium, or do you have a dispute abroad? Thanks to our extensive experience, we have built up good personal relationships with many mid-sized law firms both in Europe and beyond. For example, Corbus is the Belgian partner in “e-iure”, a network of business-orientated law firms spread over Europe, the USA, South America, Asia and Australia. Partners in this network collaborate actively and share each other’s expertise, thereby ensuring that they are also able to offer excellent international services.


Artikel X.27 van het Wetboek Economisch Recht (hierna: “WER”) legt in het kader van een commerciële samenwerkingsovereenkomst een tweeledige precontractuele informatieverplichting op aan de rechtsverlener ten voordele van de rechtsverkrijger. Deze precontractuele informatieverplichting bestaat uit het precontractueel informatiedocument, met alle voorgeschreven vermeldingen, en het ontwerp van de commerciële samenwerkingsovereenkomst. Een...
Last week, Corbus attended the 40th ILFA E-Iure convention in Mexico. We were able to meet old friends and colleagues, and had the pleasure to welcome new members to the alliance (Hergüner in Turkey and Pierson Ferdinand in the United States). E-Iure comprises a network of independent law firms from...
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Zoals u in onze posts van de voorbije maanden hebt kunnen lezen, heeft Boek 5 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek ons verbintenissenrecht gemoderniseerd en vernieuwd. Een van die nieuwigheden is een regeling over zgn. “onrechtmatige bedingen” in het algemeen contractenrecht (artikel 5:52 BW). Omdat er in de B2B-en de B2C-verhoudingen reeds...
Els Desair, Ingo Deswert, Wout Van de Venster en Kathleen Smet, voorheen actief onder Just Business Law, versterken vanaf heden het team van Corbus.   “Met de expertise van Els, Wout en Ingo, en met de ondersteuning van Kathleen, willen we ons vernieuwingstraject, dat we vorig jaar in september hebben...
Op 1 januari 2023 is het nieuwe boek 5 van het burgerlijk wetboek in werking getreden. In eerdere posts berichtten we u reeds over een aantal nieuwigheden die boek 5 invoert. Wat nu met uw overeenkomst van voor 1 januari 2023 die vandaag blijft doorlopen? En wat als u na...
Boek 5 van het nieuw Burgerlijk Wetboek, dat op 1 januari 2023 in werking zal treden, herneemt en bevestigt de principes van de contractsvrijheid (het staat iedereen vrij om al dan niet een contract te sluiten en om zijn medecontractant te kiezen, zonder de redenen van zijn keuze te moeten...
Een dubbele noviteit ingevoerd door het nieuwe Boek 5 van het BW betreft enerzijds de codificering van de buitengerechtelijke ontbinding en anderzijds de invoering van de zgn. anticipatory breach. Rechtsleer en rechtspraak aanvaarden reeds geruime tijd dat een schuldeiser een overeenkomst buitengerechtelijk, d.i. zonder voorafgaande tussenkomst van de rechtbank, kan...


We look forward receiving your comments, questions and feed back. If you are looking for legal advice or would like to know more about our services, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Lange Klarenstraat 22
2000 Antwerpen

General conditions and privacy policy

We refer to our information document, our general terms and conditions and our privacy policy, in which you can find detailed information regarding our services and our policy with regard to the processing of personal data and transparent arrangements that are applicble to our services as a rule.